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Commissioner Don Brown is the Chairman of the Macomb County Board of Commissioners. Since 1990, he has represented Macomb County, now representing District 1 serving Shelby, Washington, Bruce, Ray, Armada and Richmond Townships, the Villages of Romeo and Armada, and the City of Memphis and Richmond.

Don’s Legislative Update for April 14, 2023
Action Needed Now!
Call your Senators & Representatives and tell them to oppose this unconstitutional package of bills which eliminates due process before it is too late!
House OKs red flag laws allowing confiscation of guns from individuals believed to be at risk.
Lansing – The Democratic-controlled Michigan House voted 56-51 along party lines Thursday in favor of legislation allowing individuals to ask a judge to confiscate firearms from people believed to be a risk to themselves others.
The Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, commonly referred to as red flag legislation, would allow medical professionals, family members, guardians, former dating partners and police to petition a judge to remove firearms from an individual whom they believe is a risk of using those weapons against others or himself or herself.
Don’s Legislative Update for March 28, 2023
Legislative Update
Action Need Now, Call your State Representatives!
The Michigan State Senate passed a package of gun control legislation last week and sent them to the Michigan House of Representatives where they will be voted on, with little time for those opposed to make their case. All of us calling our Representatives are our best / maybe only way to voice opposition to these restrictive and unconstitutional bills.
Amy Trotter, our Executive Director of MUCC reported at the State Convention I attend this past weekend that the Senate had about 35 hours of testimony on the bills and only allowed only 45 minutes for those opposed to speak, MUCC, MARGO and others were given some time. They did not allow the NRA an opportunity. Go to the links below to find your Representatives and call.
- Find your State Representative at
- Find your State Senator at
- Michigan Legislature at
Here is interesting article regarding the potential fallout from the legislation. I led Macomb County to be designated a 2nd Amendment County, which would refuse to fund activities that would be a violation of our 2nd Amendment Rights. Michigan is passing gun safety laws. Most counties may not enforce them | Bridge Michigan
Don’s Legislative Update for March 9, 2023
Legislative Update
On Thursday of last week, the Michigan Senate passed long gun background checks, storage mandates, and Red Flag. These are Senate Bills 76-86. Other than for the two tax exemption bills for storage devices, the bills passed along party lines. House Democrats rejected a number of substantive Republican amendments including several for increased funding for school security.
The Senate bills now go to the House for consideration where we’ve been told they will be discharged from committee rather than allow for public testimony. Opposition testimony was previously suppressed on the House versions of these bills.
House Joint Resolution A and its companion House Bill 4285 were introduced on Tuesday by House Republicans. This legislation would provide for concealed carry on college campuses. MCRGO supports the legislation.
Senate Bill 208 was introduced on Thursday by Senate Democrats. This bill would eliminate preemption of local firearm regulations property owned or leased by local units of government. MCRGO opposes the bill.
A full list and status of all current Michigan firearms legislation may be found HERE
Don’s Legislative Update for March 20, 2023
Legislative Update
It remains unclear if Second Amendment supporters will finally get a chance to express their views and testify against these bills. Previously the committees suppressed opposition.
Senate Bills 76, 77, and 78 and House Bills 4138, 4142, and 4143 further criminalize private transfers of firearms by expanding Michigan’s handgun permit-to-purchase system to all firearms. This adds rifle and shotgun transfers to the state registry. It also removes the pistol permit-to-purchase exemption for transfers conducted by licensed firearm dealers, who conduct instant federal background checks, meaning prospective handgun purchasers must apply for, and receive, a permit prior to being able to go to a gun store to take possession of a handgun.
Senate Bills 79, 80, 81, and 82 and House Bills 4144, 4139, 4141, and 4140 impose a mandatory storage scheme for firearm owners, not taking into account an individual’s particular situation. Those not storing firearms in compliance face prison time up to 15 years and fines up to $7,500, for unauthorized access by minors. In District of Columbia v. Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court held that storage provisions that prevent a law-abiding American from having ready access to a firearm for self-defense are unconstitutional.
Senate Bills 83, 84, 85, and 86 and House Bills 4145, 4146, 4148, and 4147 allow the seizure of an individual’s firearms on baseless accusations, without a hearing or other opportunity for the evidence to be heard in court. They permit the government to seize firearms based on weak and nebulous standards of evidence.
A person subject to a suspension of a Constitutional right should be entitled to high evidentiary standards, an opportunity to be heard, and the right to face his or her accusers. Civil liberties advocates from across the political spectrum have expressed concerns about these “red flag” bills and how the procedure might lead to abuses because of insufficient due process protections in the bills.
Again, please contact committee members and ask them to OPPOSE these gun control schemes.
Don’s Legislative Update for February 26, 2023
Legislative Update
Given the new Democratic majorities in the Michigan House of Representatives and Senate coupled with a Democratic Governor a push is being made for gun control legislation. The margin is only 2 votes in both House & Senate. We need to make our opinion known; we can make the difference on whether bills passed or fail. Contacting your Representatives now is critically important.
Michigan Democrats introduced 11 “control bills’ that fall into three main categories 1: requiring universal background checks to prevent private sales, 2: creating secure storage laws, and 3: establishing extreme risk protections orders, which are also known as “red flag laws,” which allow courts to temporarily remove firearms from those who pose a threat to themselves or others without due process.
When discussing policy, it’s helpful to focus on the practical implications of gun control laws on crime and public safety. Use those points to craft communication with your elected officials. Your personal statements will have deeper impact.
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- Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners at
- NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action at
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